Month: March 2016

Third Monthsary: A New Age

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NOTE: The reason I wrote this blog is because even though I wanted to hand-write you a letter, I couldn’t because I have to meet you after my final interview, and my usual origami letter would be ruined because of the commute, and a monthsary letter has to be sent on the day itself, so I made this instead. I tried to keep it as personal as possible, so there are no meta tags and SEO tricks on this one.


To my beloved Tsundere-hime,

We’re now officially three months as a couple, but there are times when I still can’t believe that I’m still in a real-ationship that is built on love, trust, honesty, respect, and commitment. I waited for nine years for something like this, and what I got made what I was wishing for pale in comparison. That is why I always support you in whatever you do, make you feel the best you can because you are the best, and spend time with you whenever I can. And you do the same, so thank you, so much. I know for sure that we’ll keep doing this acts of love to each other, even if we’re getting past the “honeymoon stage” – something I don’t really believe in – because what we’re after is each other, not fleeting feelings of excitement, newness, and shallow pleasures. It’s also because we’re willing to go through even the rough, undesirable parts of a relationship the right way; we smoothen them and not cover them up, as we know that they’ll resurface later on as bigger, more dangerous potholes in our walk as a couple. We’re doing a pretty good job honey, let’s keep it up.

As what I told you last night, I’m confident that we’ll make it. However, I don’t want to be complacent, because I keep reading and hearing about relationships that last five, seven, ten years, only for them to fall apart in the most fucked up ways possible. We’re strong, but we’re not invincible; that’s why we have to keep doing everything we’re doing right, trusting and knowing more about each other, learning from our own and others’ mistakes, being open with one another, supporting and encouraging each other through thick and thin, and giving each other space to grow. We’re getting the hang of that part. However, what I intentionally left out because I want to emphasize on it is recognizing our weaknesses. Because when everything’s going great and we’re hitting every goal, it’s easy to think that we’re insusceptible to temptations, getting tired or used to things, or taking things for granted, which I think are the most insidious and most common causes of breakups.

So let’s keep our guard up honey, and let’s have each other’s back, because I want to be by your side forever in the fight of our lives, in this fight for our love. We’re up against the world and our flawed nature, and both of them are tough and cunning, and I think they’re about to hit us a bit – or a lot – harder, because something good just happened: a final interview.

If I am to be given this employment, we’ll have less time spent on each other physically. And truth be told, I want what you proposed: us meeting twice a week. The problem is, however, is that my work is going to be in Ortigas, and traffic in EDSA is always going to be like that in an apocalyptic movie. So if you want a day aside from Saturday, which is going to be our usual date day, just like normie couples (ugh), you’re going to have to sleep in the office if our shift schedules would be in conflict. Yeah, that’s less time, which is a bummer, but we’ll make the fewer opportunities we’re going to have much sweeter. And since taking the job means getting paid, I’ll be able to buy you the usual romantic things, gifts, and take you out to better and farther date spots and restaurants. Finally, honey, we can have our adventures!

As I’ve previously said, I don’t believe in the honeymoon phase. I mean, that phase of ours wasn’t exactly lovey-dovey, as we had to go through people and circumstances. And now, because of my change in status and not the number of months that have elapsed, we’re entering a new epoch – a brave, new, and exciting one, because I’m with you, the girl I love the most, the girl who understands me, helps me improve, and loves me for who I am.

In the Evangelion anime, the Third Impact means the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a new, more metaphysical one, a world that is open to fan interpretation. And so, in our third monthsary, an era ends, and a a new one that is full of both considerable hardship and beautiful, lovely mysteries is about to begin.


Happy monthsary honey, I love you, so much.