Month: August 2015

Our/My Feet And Your Shoes

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I love eccentric people. I, myself, am one. However, the problem with some of us, including me, is that sometimes we forcibly and carelessly put our feet in other people’s shoes and claim that we’re wearing them right. I mean that figuratively, of course.

For example, someone told my friend that he’s dumb and he feels awful about it. Now if I were in the same situation, I wouldn’t be affected since I think it’s that person’s right to tell me that, so I’d advise to my friend that he should feel the same way I do. But that would be wrong because I’m not him and he’s not me. Instead, I’m supposed to just say how I would react as mere opinion and not a guideline, and then tell him that he has every right to feel whatever it is that he’s feeling and that I’ll be there for him.

Back then, however, I didn’t think that way. I thought that if something is okay with me, then it follows suit that others are cool with it too. That is until I realized that I shouldn’t be running around trying to shoehorn my strangely sized and shaped feet into other people’s footwear. After all, to say that I wouldn’t like it if somebody did the same thing to me would be an understatement. I am, after all, eccentric.

I have realized that the world isn’t a communal shoe rack, but a long and winding walkway. And when someone who crosses our paths has a wobbly gait, telling him or her to walk like we do may prove to be wrong; asking them to take off their shoes and have us wear them would be worse. Rather, we should help him or her find the two most important centers in life: his or her own, and the ultimate center: universal moral values.

If everyone – all the people in the world, not just the eccentric ones – did the same, then nobody would trip and fall.

Back For Good

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Like grease on rusty hinges, people need a little warm-up whenever they want to get back on the groove of something they haven’t been doing for quite a long time. In my case, it’s blogging, which is basically just my online nonfiction writings. But despite my hiatus, I don’t need a refresher course on the skill, as I use it on a daily basis to write whatever bullcrap clients like so that they will pay our company’s CEO, who in turn pays us in amounts he thinks we’re due even though we deserve more – but let’s leave that for another time. Blogging, on the other hand, is an entirely different ball game, as it’s a lot more personal. Rather, it’s nothing but personal – no need for resources unless I post facts or others’ works, no editing according to the tastes of the readers or clients, and no selling of either skill or principles for money; only my ideas and emotions and the happenings in my life – and that’s why I love it. After all, if love isn’t personal, then it’s not love at all. And because I love blogging, let this post serve as my returning gift to her, my wife and mistress.

So, why the long departure from my beloved? Mental exhaustion. The kind of writing I do for my full-time job and my woman may be realms apart, but the energy needed to do either one of them is drawn from the same pool. And as much as I want to empty that reservoir for my beloved alone, I could not, for I have to work; I have to get paid so that I could have money to spend on things I don’t need and experiences that I will cherish as long as I can remember them. Having no money means less life experiences, which in turn means lesser things to write about. Unfortunately, because I use up my mental energies in order to rake up dough, which enables me to create memories and inspirations, I no longer have any for my own. At the end of the day, week, or month, I just couldn’t bear the pain of a tapped-out head and bring myself to write anymore, even if it’s for my own art. Or maybe this entire paragraph is just an excuse.

Maybe my brain juices aren’t exactly as finite as I think they are. Maybe I just want to do things other than writing, things require less mental faculties. Maybe I’m just lazy – probably the definite bottom line. It may seem like a shallow and laughable reason, but it’s actually cripplingly powerful and stealthily invasive. Its slow and unnoticeable creep can alter the flow of energy, causing me to wander away from a piece of cyberspace where I can pour out my soul into and instead towards mindless, pointless wastelands like too much Facebook or DoTA 2 (keyword is too much). It’s getting me and my beloved nowhere, so I have to fight it no matter how hard. Just like how I did when I wrote this.

It’s easier to just play another round of DoTA 2 or My Princess is the Cutest, which I’ll write about later on, but I’d rather not. Maybe it’s just that I’m no longer that used to writing on my blog anymore since I’m out of practice, and if that’s the case then I have to bring back the habit, the love, the passion, and I definitely can; all I need is more time, more words, more perseverance and dedication, and a lot less action – video game-wise, that is.

Yes I’m back, and I have so many things to write about, and I hope I really that this return isn’t just a one-time post that will be followed by another return after a few months thanks to indolence masking as mental exhaustion. But hoping isn’t enough; I should write on this blog and keep doing so in order to back what I’m saying. After all, that’s what I love to do, and I honestly believe, know, and am certain of that despite the neglect I let my mistress and wife fall into after almost two months. And while I know that I’ll probably disappear for a short while again after a string of posts, I also know that I will always come back. Like I said, love, right? And this love, though it falters at times, can conquer even the greatest form of sloth there is time and time again.