Month: January 2013

New Genesis: An End, A Change, A Beginning

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A beginning, a change, and an end – three intertwined and inevitable circumstances. A beginning may bring a change, a change may bring an end, and an end may bring a new beginning. It is a cycle that will keep on going for the rest of our lives, both in this life and in the afterlife. And if the same principle applies in the greatest things in our lives, then more so in the simpler ones, especially in choosing a blog site.

It all began with a change they have done on Tumblr – the text word processor becoming too small for me to even type on it, it’s almost just a few times bigger than Facebook’s status bar. I just couldn’t take it, so I finally moved here to WordPress, the third blog site that I’ll ever use. And somehow, with this simple post alone, without even using the text post editor’s many functions, I already had more than a feeling that I’m going to love my hopefully long stay here.

The change they’ve done on Tumblr brought about the end of my patronage for them, which in turn began the creation of a new universe – my new universe here in WordPress. However, as much as I seem so stoked, I’d be lying if I’d say that I wouldn’t miss Tumblr. I would, and I’d probably use it from time to time, but I’d no longer post new stuff there. It’s time to move on for the better towards the better. As what Ivan Vanko in Iron Man 2 said “Don’t get too attached to things, learn to let go…”

So, without further ado, just like how I did it with my first post in Tumblr, I open the gate to a world much more hopeful and ambitious than my two previous ones. I put the I and you shall be the U – welcome to my UnIverse. Happy reading everyone.