Month: November 2014

Halloweenie At Home

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Originally, Halloween wasn’t a part of Filipino traditions. Although people scare each other shitless and local TV stations feature creepy crap on news whenever it’s October 31 until November 1, the kids didn’t parade in costumes asking for candy, and the adults didn’t throw office parties on that date’s night. But in the past few years, because of pervasive western media, it has become a widely-celebrated and highly commercialized event.

Honestly, I think it’s cool how we’re taking up a global yearly phenomenon since we get another day where everyone can have a wicked awesome time having fun; too bad Pee-Noy didn’t declare it a holiday. And while my brother and a lot of people on my Facebook news feed got in high spirits, I stayed at home, an alone and lonely soul under the festive air that covered the world.

I’m not really new to costume parties since I’m a cosplayer, but I’ve never really been to a party with a freaky and frightening theme while everyone, even the plebeians and muggles, are all in costume. Unlike during cosplay events on ordinary days where we could get judged for being in colorful wigs and tacky clothes, a Halloween party is a license to look creepy, weird, or just downright dumb.

While everyone’s outside their homes having a blast like the Bogeyman in a Satanic orphanage, I was left at home drinking Red Label and eating Roller Coaster after a half day of doing nothing in the office (will post the backlog about my new work sometime later), getting my pay from my sideline as an anime magazine contributor all the way from Cubao, and playing a mean Kaldr in DoTA 2. Well, I guess I had my fun too. Next year, however, I’l have a whole lot more.

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It’s nice that everyone, including me, is having their fair share of a ghoulish good time, but I hope nobody forgets that tomorrow is the day to remember our loved ones that have gone to the rest of the afterlife.

A belated Happy Halloween and a blessed All Saints and All Souls Day to everyone.


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I have long been a writer, yet there are times that I don’t feel like a true one just yet. Sure, I’ve been running blogs since college, I’ve been a contributor for Otaku Asia Anime Magazine since April last year, and have been enrolled in Master of Arts in Creative Writing in De La Salle University, all so that I can call myself as one, but I’ve never really had a full-time job as a writer, and have never experienced having writing as my bread and butter. Until now, that is.

You see, I now work as a content writer for SEO Hacker. I write articles for the blogs of certain companies so that they can be more easily searchable by Google. It’s not really the kind of writing I want to do, but it does pay (I’ll have to wait for the fifteenth next month though), and it’s not really the stressful kind of writing. In fact, since the topics are usually about pop culture, leisure and travel, and science, it’s actually quite fun. The best part? The setting isn’t corporate. I get to wear a basic and comfy shirt and jeans combo to work, and the atmosphere is just so laid-back because the workplace is more of a home setting instead of a cubicle-divided office.

However, things aren’t all creams and peaches. First off, the company has a bit of a Christian culture going on. While I don’t really hate it, it does restrict my speech and movements, which means I really can’t tell green jokes or say expletives. Although I feel suppressed, I have to follow their norms, as they are the ones who give me money and experience. Besides, that’s only at first. Sure, I still can’t scream profanities and browse borderline NSFW sites, but it’s not half-bad once I got used to it. Second, at first I felt alienated, but after they rearranged our tables and got seated near the linkbuilding team, I started to feel like I belong.

All in all, things are looking up in this brand new start, so thank God. A new chapter is finally in writing. For the first time in my life, I’m in a job that would finally lead me to the career path I’ve always wanted.