Month: January 2014

I’m Yours, But No One Is Mine…Yet

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I attended a marriage today, even though I’m related with neither the bride nor the groom. Why was I there? Well, Mother and one of my aunts are friends with groom’s mother, and Mother needed an escort. Since Father couldn’t come, I came on his behalf. Now you’re probably thinking that I must be inspired with what I witnessed, right? Well, actually I am, but in a negative way. Or maybe not that negatively…

You see, I was wondering recently if Sean likes me the same way I like her, and I couldn’t help but remember my track record with romance and assume (hopefully wrongly) that she does not and no one else ever will because of that said track record. Don’t ask for my track record, it’s pretty bad. Anyway, so, there I was, in the church, waiting with everyone for the bride, although I was waiting just so that the whole procession could end and go home later on. Finally, she came. All dressed in white. Ready to fight for the battle tonight and all the succeeding nights of her lifetime with her groom, if they don’t go for divorce, that is.

As she made her way towards the altar, the musicians started playing a lyricless version of I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. And then I remembered one of its lines, which plucked one of my heartstrings.

“And nothing’s gonna stop me but divine intervention.”

HA! When it comes to love, not only has “divine intervention” stopped me – it has played with my heart so many times, almost to the point of irreparable breakage. I’ve been hitting on girls since I was sixteen, and seven years later I still have a clean slate when it comes to being in a relationship and a teeming one when it comes to being rejected.  If that’s not divine intervention, it’s probably the Devil’s handiwork. Well, whoever or whatever it is, some mysterious and powerful force or entity is screwing up my love groove, leaving me disenchanted with the matters of the heart.

Adults (as if I’m not an adult myself. Well, older adults, I mean.) tell me that before I foray into romance, I need to first upgrade myself physically (optional but highly recommended) and get stable financially and career-wise (so highly recommended that it’s almost a requirement), and she will magically come. Basically, it’s fix myself first -> keep waiting -> well what do you know, she’s here! HAHAHA! Really?! Of course, that’s sound advice that would help anyone find the love of their life because we need to make sure that we can take care of ourselves first before we can take care of our “one true love”, but it’s not a 100% guarantee. If it is, EVERYONE with good looks, a good job, and a good paycheck would have someone waiting for them back home. But that’s not the case, and I didn’t have to look very far for an example.

Sometime during the party, my aunt and Mother talked about one of their friends who became an old maid. Now I’m sure she put her career and financial stability first. I’m also sure that her family and friends told her that her that prince charming will be coming on a white horse and they will ride to the sunset, and I bet they added that he will come sooner and sooner as she got closer and closer to the “age of non-marketability”. But he didn’t come. Does that make all of them who told her those things liars? Maybe not. After all, love is a truth. However, it’s not an ultimate truth, but a relative one. What one holds true for someone may not be true for someone else. And sometimes, what one holds true for someone is a life without requited love – a truth most of us dread, including me. A truth that might hold true for me.

Yeah yeah, be positive, just keep improving yourself, seek ye first, she’ll come…DAMN IT, I’VE HEARD ALL OF IT A THOUSAND TIMES BEFORE!

  • Be positive – some people who don’t believe in love found it. How serendipitously fortunate.
  • Keep improving yourself – refer to previous paragraph.
  • Seek ye first – many misotheists and atheists have lovelives.
  • She’ll come – if all those I have fallen for never loved me back, what makes you sure someone from the future will?
  • You’re still young – 13-year olds are shacking it up as you read this, and sometimes they end up together until 87.

SEE! ZERO GUARANTEE! Well, if she doesn’t come, what are you going to do then, James? What if there won’t be a wedding for you? You’re going to live in bitterness and despair? Probably…at first.

There won’t be a wedding. There would only be me, alone, no family, no friends, NO LOVER. Alone, inside an empty church, askin God why, complete with echo for every why. Then go home, cry until I sleep, wake up, eat breakfast, take a bath, go to work, go home after a long day of earning money for myself and nobody else, and then go to sleep again. Rinse and repeat, minus the church part since I’ll be done with the denial phase. Of course, I know how to move on and accept cruel fates. And maybe it won’t be that bad. After all, without kids and wife, I’d have all the time and money for myself. I’ll have tons of money for a high-end gaming PC with the fastest internet connection, canned goods and rice, a small bed,  a big manga collection, and women. And if I’m feeling lonely and in need of some family, I have my brother and sister and their adorable children. Yeah, I’ll probably pay them a visit and give them gifts, and then my nieces and nephews will feel so bad for me because I’m alone in life that they’d ask me why I don’t have a wife and children of my own, so I’d tell them my sad story about how love played with my heart and broke it so many times over that I decided to quit. Then they’ll feel even worse and tell me that it’s not over yet even if it’s already long finished for me, then my siblings would hear and tell their children to stop badgering me about one of the things in life that I always wanted, one of the things in life they were granted that I never was…

WAIT! HOLD UP! REWIND! Sure, there is zero guarantee that I will end up with someone, but there is still a chance that I will not either. Sure, the odds are stacked against me because I am already 23 years old, has zero experience of being in a relationship, and have always been rejected in the past, but I’ll never give up! I still got a lot of years in me if God would be so kind (I hope He is). I’ll have a good and strong faith in Him, land a good job, earn good dough, improve on my good looks, do good on Sean, and look for another good girl if it fails with her. If all of it still goes south, then I guess love ain’t for me, but at least I put up a good fight and believed in it until the end. After all, I was conceived out of love, and thinking that it’s just one big lie would be a great spit against that fact. And who knows? Maybe God might just have pity on my miserable soul and give me a lousy excuse for a wife just so that I wouldn’t have to be alone for the rest of this pathetic life. Then again, someone once told me that God only gives the best. So alright, I will have faith. Even though my chances aren’t so good and it’s so hard to have faith if I factor out the actual evidence, I will, and he’ll give me the best wife there is. Aya Toujo baby.

Who knows? Maybe the church might not end up empty. Maybe my friends and family will be there. And as I stand in front of the altar, when I see my bride, I’ll know that the waiting and aloneness is finally over. Instead of asking “why”, I’ll be answering “I do”. I’ll be saying I love you, and I’ll have a wife who will reply “I love you more”. And it’s all because I kept the faith, kept believing, and kept loving.

A Certain Status Against Certain Statuses

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For better or worse, social media was able to make what is private public. Or maybe it’s not social media’s doing, but our natural drive to share ourselves with others. It’s fine and all, but then that inclination becomes more amplified when we are annoyed, pissed, or was wronged by someone, turning what is supposed to be a conflict with just one person into a spectacle to be seen by everyone.

All I did was post a status the other day. And apparently I struck the nerves of a lot of people. The status is as follows:

“Posting a status against someone is not a sign of strength, but of weakness. It means you cannot handle what you feel. It means you cannot keep things to yourself. It means you need the sympathy of others.

When you post a status against someone, it’s not only the person you are pertaining to that you defame, but also yourself, for you expose to the world your belligerent nature.

You can just talk to someone instead of telling the whole world, y’know?

Just thinking aloud lang po.”

A few years back, I wouldn’t probably post a status like this, for I am one of those people who’d have their nerves struck with it. You see, not only did I post statuses about people I had conflicts with, I even made posts about them in my blog, which automatically gets posted in my Facebook wall. When someone angered or crossed me, I portrayed them in such an antagonistic manner, which in turn created sympathizers among my friends for my cause. And it made me feel good. It made me feel strong. It made me feel that I have allies. It made me feel as if I’m right, as if I’m some champion of justice, exposing an evil soul and leaving it to be judged by the world. But then I realized that a champion of justice does not and should not do such things, for I saw my ugly old self in others…

One night, my news feed got full of people’s statuses  that are about someone that earned their ire for whatever reason. Different statuses which all said the same thing: “Hey, someone did me wrong, so take my side.” Different people who all demanded the same thing: attention and sympathy. Sure, it’s an ego-boosting and liberating, but it’s also very infantile. Why do you have to tell everyone that you don’t like someone? So that they’d dislike them too? It’s like what children do, telling their friends to not be friends with someone they’re not friends with. Of course, they can’t convince other people to go against that person as well, but that’s the same principle behind posting a status against someone, because even though people won’t be in bad terms with that person since they’re mature adults,  they will still sympathize with the poster and drop a negative comment or two about that person. And sometimes, they probably don’t even know the person. Or worse – sometimes they jump in with the issue and gang up with that person, even if sometimes they barely know both the person and the issue. Infantile indeed.

Then there are those who commented in disagreement with my status, saying that posting your conflict with someone is basically just the same as telling it to someone else, then added that posting statuses against someone would help “punish” that someone and resolve the issue. Following their logic, talking about your problem towards someone with someone else uninvolved with the issue is the same as telling it to everyone uninvolved. Seriously, if not to make yourself seem the one wronged, to make yourself seem the one in the right, and to find sympathizers, then what? Resolve the issue? Would it? Wouldn’t it only aggravate the whole thing since you not only didn’t let the one you’re mad with explain the situation first, you also made the issue known to everyone, and tried to find sympathizers to support you? Sure, you’ll be able to “tip the scales in your favor”, but that would mean that you never wanted the issue to be resolved. You wanted not reparation and reconciliation, but vindication regardless of you being right or otherwise. It’d make you feel good, but you’d only show people that you always tell everyone whenever you’re mad at someone. It’d make you seem hungry for attention and sympathy. People don’t want that. Heck, even the ones who posts about the person they’re mad at probably dislike people who seek such things, but fail to see that they themselves do the same thing. Not only that, because people won’t trust you as much, for they’ve already seen you turn what is supposed to be a private matter public, as conflicts are supposed to be private matters. In the end, it would only be a trial publicity that would end with you handpicking the jury and the rest of the court seeing a sympathy-hungry attention seeker without any common decency whatsoever.

Of course, I’m not saying you shouldn’t tell anyone about it. After all, you need release. You can tell a person or maybe a few people you are close to about it, especially someone who isn’t involved with the issue. The fewer the better. That way, you’d get release and maybe a little bit of sympathy without having to tell the world about it and making you seem like some attention-seeker. Or better yet – write a blog post about it, and make sure it’s not linked on Facebook, just so you can have an avenue for your grievance.

So next time, after typing that long and well-composed status about someone you’re pissed with just so you can get attention and sympathy while at the same time shame him/her, remember – a handful of people seeing their feed don’t like what they’re seeing from you.

Gone For A Second, Eternally Lost

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When misfortune strikes, it takes away something very important and difficult to achieve. Permanently. We can make something similar to it, but it won’t be the same, and it’s quite daunting to do so, especially if you’re still reeling from the loss. Such is my tale, for a moment of powerlessness has cost me an afternoon’s worth of art.

I was working on a post that was supposedly my next post instead of this sad chronicle while I was playing. And then suddenly, something unforeseeable and unfortunate happened: I heard a beeping sound and the lights went dim, which went on just as fast – it was a millisecond-long power interruption. Only then did it hit me – MY UP AND COMING CREATION! NOOOOOO!

My child, destroyed before even given a shot at life…NO! IT CANNOT BE! But wait, maybe there’s still hope. Maybe what I have written, even if I was unable to save it because of my lack of foresight, did not get deleted, even though I knew that it already was. Thus, I booted up the PC right after the power came back in and opened Firefox, only to confirm that what I knew and feared prevailed over what I hoped for. It was a clean slate, including the title bar. Just because I didn’t save what I have made, I lost it forever and can only be retrieved through some high-level magic that only the most talented level 99 wizards can cast. And because what happened is beyond my power, it’s time to play the blame game.


  • Meralco (Power company) – just because you got the whole power business monopolized doesn’t mean you should threaten to exorbitantly raise your per-kilowatthour charges and then provide crappy service. We don’t pay you around Php 8,900 so that we can worry about random interruptions.
  • Uninterruptible Power Source – seriously, we bought you for how much?! Around Php 3,000, I think? And you know why we bought you, right? To be able to have a few seconds’ worth of power so that I can safely shut down my girlfriend/PC in case of a power interruption. THEN WHY DID YOU NOT !@#$%^&* WORK!? Now I’m going to have to tell Father about it and check if you still got warranty.
  • Me – James, why did you not save your work? Why did you not write in Word instead so that it could automatically make a backup?

So, what’s the verdict? Well, everyone’s guilty. Damn. But I no longer give a damn whose, because this rather tragic incident painfully yet beautifully reminded me of life’s impermanence. In the blink of an eye, in an unexpected single event that only lasts less than a second, everything can be lost.

And if you think an unsaved chunk of text in an online word processor is much more fragile than the things we have gained and achieved in real life, think again…


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I love Sean, and I think I am falling for her more and more each day. That is truth. That is a fact. But I am uncertain if she feels the same. And if she does, I am uncertain if it becomes greater more and more each day. Maybe she does. Maybe she once did. Or even worse – maybe she never did in the first place. But that’s alright, since it’s my job to make her fall for me, right? Well, what if she never will? Then I’m just going to have to live with the fact that she’s not the one for me and just move on to the next. But what if it’s just an eternal vicious cycle that would always begin with me falling for someone and end with my heart shattered into a thousand pieces because I am damned to live a life without romance? Just resign to my fate!? Wait, maybe I need to chill. After all, it’s just a long paragraph of what ifs and not what are.

There is nothing certain in this world, especially love, for it is an unpredictable and uncontrollable force of nature. And because of love’s mysterious nature, there will always be many things you don’t know and probably will never know about it. You don’t know if the one you love will love you back. You don’t know who loves you until they say AND show it, you can’t assume that a person loves you if he or she just shows it but doesn’t say it, and you still can’t be too sure if it’s for real even if he or she has done both because you can’t read what’s in their heart and mind. You don’t know if there would be a new love after an old one has ended.

In the end, if we desire love, we all have to embrace it as well as the many uncertainties that come with it. If we are uncertain of the genuineness of the love we are given, just take the word of the one who loves us, then we’ll just have to live with being unsure of it for the rest of our lives and take it on faith. If we are uncertain that the person we love will love us back, then all we can do is show our love for that person through words and actions, cross our fingers, and hope for the best. If we are anxious if another love will come after an old one has ended, then all we can do is be the very best version of ourselves and believe that one of these days a brand new true love will find our way into our hearts. In the end, we all just have to accept that what almost every person in this world have very little control of. So all we can do is seize in our hands of that “very little control” we have on love and pray that it would give us its favor. And instead of contemplating about the what ifs and love’s many uncertainties, I will hold on to the one thing I am certain of – my love for her, do my very best, and hope that she feels the same way or would come to do so in the future. 🙂

2014: A Kickass Kickstart

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Alright, I’m running a bit late in joining the new year bandwagon because I’ve been playing too much Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and wrote about my date with Sean first. Well, at least I made it in time because even though the new year isn’t exactly very new, it’s still pretty new nevertheless. So, enough of me going around in circles and get on that good old new year stuffs bloggers usually write about – the previous year in review, expectations for the new year, and of course, new year’s resolution.

#throwback2013:2013 was both an awesome and an awful year.Awesome, because:

  • I had two jobs. Had, because I quit one and now I only have one. I quit from being an editorial support agent for British Medical Journal, and I am still a contributor for Otaku Asia Anime Magazine. The former was the boring and imperialistically oppressive yet necessary job that brings me just enough dough to live my wasteful young adult lifestyle, and the latter is the low-paying dream job that augments my pay from British Medical Journal should it go a bit short because of how I burn money.
  • I made new and hopefully lasting friends in my now previous work.
  • Although Father got sick really bad, he had a full recovery.
  • Attack on Titan, Valvrave the Liberator, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, My Wife is Wagatsuma-San
  • Pacific Rim, Catching Fire, Thor: The Dark World
  • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

And awful, because:

  • Pauline Chua
  • Haiyan (Yolanda)
  • Karmela Baticados
  • Pauline Chua
  • Janet Lim Napoles
  • Wally Bayola
  • Pauline Chua
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Pauline Chua

Have I already mentioned Pauline Chua?

Well, that’s long enough of a throwback that mostly consisted of one girl’s name, so now let’s have a glimpse to the possible future.

Predictions for 2014:

  • THIS! Very important.
  • Janet Lim Napoles will get away scot-free.
  • Some ambitious and talentless popstar will try to outdo the abomination that Miley Cyrus has become..and fail.
  • Oil price hikes, fare hikes, increase in utility charges, et cetera et cetera, blah blah blah, we don’t care about the 99% who will suffer from the ever-increasing cost of living because the 1% won’t, yada yada yada yada. Basically, inflation in generally everything that has a monetary value, and zero salary raise for most employees, especially those under minimum wage.
  • MTV still won’t play music.
  • Taylor Swift will have another boyfriend. Or two. Or three. Or seven. But nobody cares about her anymore.
  • More not-so-hidden Illuminati symbolisms in media.
  • Global Warming will become more distinctly felt.
  • The Marvel Cinematics Universe will get as convoluted as the comic book universe.
  • Spiderman still won’t be in the Avengers.
  • Gwen Stacy is going to die in The Amazing Spiderman 2.
  • Ben Affleck as Batman won’t be as bad people may think.
  • More remakes.
  • Sword Art Online Season 2 will be the next big thing.
  • Cosplay events every weekend. Wait, that’s already happening…

so let’s look forward and take action on future that is now.

Expectations and resolutions for myself this 2014:

Finally, the part where I write down what I aim to do for this entire year and probably (but hopefully will not) miserably and expectedly fail by mid-February due to either demotivation or just plain old sloth. So I hope 2014 would be good to me and allow me to turn my resolutions to realities, which are:

  • Getting a full-time writing job.
  • Getting a girlfriend. Hopefully it’d be Sean.
  • Getting new shoes. Sneakers and leather shoes. Probably green Chuck Taylor or checkered Vans. I don’t really care how the leather shoes look as long as it’s square-toe and doesn’t have laces.
  • Gaining a bit more pounds while not altering my current figure without going to the gym. How’s that even possible?
  • Learning to pray not only for my own welfare but also for others, even for those I don’t personally know, especially the country in general.
  • Learning a new life skill, be it cooking, photography, or a foreign language. After all, it’d be nice to add another skill to my rather small repertoire.
  • Continuing this blog, of course, or migrating to a better blog site. Heck, this is hardly a resolution.
  • Write at least half of what would be my novel. James, remember your 2012 resolutions?
  • Get updated with the latest anime and manga releases.
  • Spend more time with my other friends.

But of course, I wouldn’t be able to set these plans into motion if I’m just going to wish that the year would be good to me, for it is up to me to make it a good year not only for me but also for the people around me. After all, God doesn’t grant the prayers of those who do not take action.

So yeah, it’s a bit too late to greet people a happy new year since it’s already the 9th, but I would like to not only greet but wish everyone a happy, blessed, and memorable 2014 nonetheless. There will be easy times, and there will be tough times, but hopefully we’ll get by with a smile on our faces.

To everyone: have a kickass 2014, from kickstart till the last day! 😀

Date with The Goddess

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“Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle”

-Thor: The Dark World

Only in the battlefield do I get to be with the goddess of war…until I told her what I feel about her. I have confessed my love for the goddess of war, neither as a faithful for a goddess, and neither as a warrior for the patroness of his or her craft, but as a romantic lover. Not only that, as I have invited her to go out with me in a social activity we mortals usually engage in as proof of the genuineness of our feelings and intentions as a lover – a date. I am uncertain if she sees it as such. Maybe she does, as she knows of my intentions, or maybe not. Well, however she saw it and however she sees me and my feelings for her, I saw everything that happened on that Sunday afternoon as a date. A date with not just a cute girl, but with a goddess.

The arcade. A lively place full of bright lights and loud sounds from the game machines. A perfect place for couples to play together, and for men to impress the ladies in tests of strength and skill against either artificial intelligence or other people. That is where our short tale began, at Timezone in Mall of Asia to be exact, all because aside from the Ferris wheel (which we didn’t get to ride), I had no idea where to take her. The cinema would’ve been nice, but all the movies are crap thanks to Metro Manila Film Festival. So instead, I took her suggestion, which was the arcade. And not just the arcade, but Tekken 6. At first, I bargained with her to just play Tekken 6 with me on a PS3 rental shop, but she insisted on the arcade machine because it’s the way the game is meant to played, just like Zacc said before.


She chose Asuka and I chose Alisa. Well, I wanted to choose Asuka, but she already chose her, so I chose Alisa instead because you can never go wrong with robot girls. And because of some strange stroke of fate coupled with beginner’s luck, though it was pretty much a narrow victory, I bested the goddess of war. Then we had another round, and that time she chose Lili and I chose Lars. Once again, under pretty much the same circumstances, I won. After that, I was up against the AI, which I only prevailed against in the first fight because it was pussy-ass Leon, then it was Eddy in the second fight, and we all know Eddy. Damn, to lose against the AI in just the second fight while the person you like is watching you – a disappointing and embarrassing shame that would taint your pride as a warrior all the days of your life. Nonetheless, playing Tekken never felt that good my entire life, not because I won, but because I was playing with the girl I like – with the goddess of war, who would hopefully become “the goddess”. Heck, I would’ve been more than fine if she curb-stomped me. After all, I’m some kind of masochist anyway.

After our “fight”, I asked her to play with me what couples in movies usually play when they’re on a date – the light gun rail shooter. Since there was no Time Crisis, we had to choose between two unnecessary evils: House of the Dead 4 and Silent Hill: The Arcade. Zombies versus instensely creepy paranormal crap. We chose the latter, because even though the goddess of war’s mettle is harder than steel when it comes to battle, even goddesses have fears. As for her, it’s virtual zombies (as if there are real ones), as she got scared playing horror games when she was younger. Still, just like before when we played Left 4 Dead 2 as a breather from DoTA, she played it with me, and I couldn’t help but feel thankful, and at the same time I felt as if I’m imposing on her. And even though I was facing hordes of walking corpses with her, it didn’t feel fun because the damn machine was a bit busted. Oh well, I guess she has zero power over the underworld, but that’s alright because the rest of the afternoon had so much life.

I didn’t know where to take her after the arcade, so we wandered around like two lost souls that knows the way but have no idea where to go. As we did, I tried to think of a place where I could feel her presence, and then she had an idea – Starbucks. Actually, I had the same idea, but I didn’t suggest it to her because she told me before that she’s not exactly a fan of coffee, so her suggesting Starbucks is a strange idea…which I actually liked. Ugh, talking over coffee, so cliche. So sweetly and divinely cliche, just like how I’ve seen in fiction and real life and how I’ve always done before and will always do so in the future with whoever girl I go out with. However, there was one problem: I kind of swore to myself that I’d be off the bean for now because I had a recent incident that involves me having severe tachycardia (increased heart rate) and palpitations after finishing a venti dark mocha. Still, since it’s Sean who suggested…sure, why not? And not only did she suggest, she also paid for my drink.

I looked deep into her jet-black eyes as she put her hands on both my shoulders and told me that it’s on her. And for one infinite second, my heart and the entire time-space continuum stopped. I have always been the one to spend coffee on the girl I like, but that time it was different, a refreshing plot twist of fate, a very welcome subversion of one of my life’s expected and overused tropes. It was not about the amount spent, but on her act of freely spending something for me out of the genuine intentions of her heart – a kind act that defies social norms of both male and female. Then again, she is a goddess, and she is not one to be affected by petty unwritten laws of mortals like me.

However, though she is a goddess, she is not above curiosity. After all, she isn’t omniscient. And so, as we fell in line, she asked me why I chose her of all the many souls in this universe. With all the honesty in my being I answered her the truth, all but the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God – I don’t know. I don’t know exactly why her, but there was something within her. Something else aside from her prowess in battle and love for anime and manga. What was it? Her cuteness? Her spontaneity? I don’t know. Maybe the sum which is her is much much greater than all her beautiful parts combined. And because she asked a question, it was only fair that I ask her one as well. “Naka-ilang boyfriend ka na (How many boyfriends have you had) ?” – that was my question for the goddess.

Over her java chip, my strawberries and cream (Aya) that she treated me and my chocolate cake with Nutella (which she didn’t have any part of because her drink was already based with the same stuff, good job choosing pastry James), she told me about her past loves. She had two boyfriends, but she only told me about her recent one, which was only a few months before. Of course, I wouldn’t tell her story here because it’s never mine to tell. However, while it is a breakup story, it didn’t seem very sad. In fact, it seemed more of a precautionary tale for me so as I wouldn’t commit the same mistake as her ex. After that, the hot seat was on me, so she threw the same question at me. Of course, I told her the truth. None. Zero. A truth that quite surprised her. “Bakit naman (why)?” the goddess asked her faithful. And of course, her faithful more than happily obliged.

I told her my misadventures with love, how I was always falling for either the wrong girl or the right girl at the wrong time. I told her of the many women I have fallen for, and among them special mentions were the Second Angel, Karmela, Lin, and Juno. And since three out of the four had the same “she’s got a boyfriend” theme, she asked me why I didn’t just go for someone who didn’t have a boyfriend when I met the girls I mentioned, so I told her that I’m the type who only goes for the girl I wholeheartedly want…as I looked her once again in her eyes. After that, our conversation just flowed and went wherever it wanted to go…

She may be the goddess of war, but she’s not the goddess of time, so we cannot do anything to make time stop or make it go slower. And then, as we talked, I received a text from Father, asking me if I’m going to come home with them as I rode with them on my way to the mall in order to save fare money, but I told him no because I was with Sean and I only intended to go home when she wanted to go home. But then she asked me who I was texting…and I told her the truth, which I shouldn’t have if I wanted to spend a bit more time with her. I don’t know, but it seems as if I just can’t lie to her right off the bat, so I told her the truth and told her that I was only going home if she would be going home, but then she insisted that I go with my folks. Of course, that would mean that she’d be going home alone, and I just couldn’t let that, so I struck a bargain with the goddess of war – I told her that I’d only go home with my folks if she’d ride along. With an expected hesitation, she agreed. She met MY PARENTS PLUS MY SISTER on the FIRST DATE! Seriously, who does that? Is this the fifties? How…crap, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Either way, I’m just thankful to God in the highest that considering she was with almost my entire family save my brother, there were zero embarrassing incidents.

Well, all’s well that ends well. I don’t know if things could’ve been better, but it was pretty damn good for a “first date” with the goddess of war. PRETTY DAMN GOOD?! It was EPIC! After all, with the girls I went out with before, I didn’t join the Iron Fist Tournament, I didn’t kill zombies with a busted gun, I didn’t get ambrosia in the guise of strawberries and cream, and I didn’t have a chill yet genuine talk. Then again, the girls I went out with before were an angel at best or a titan at worst, but they’re not goddesses. Heck, Lin wasn’t even remotely human. And since it’s just the “first date”, more epic things are yet to come with the goddess of war. So epic in fact that even the greatest tale from any pantheon would pale in comparison.

P.S.: Next date wouldn’t involve my folks. Good.